Member benefits
We’re pharmacists. We know how difficult it is to compete as an independent, but we’ve found a way to succeed in our own pharmacies—and it’s not just by getting the best cost of goods (although we do that, too). We’ve succeeded in our own stores and helped hundreds of other independent member retail and long-term care pharmacies compete by doing things a little differently.

Get the Lowest Drug Cost
Our volume, single-source payment system, and warehousing capabilities mean our system lowers costs for our suppliers, so they are willing to give us better prices. It’s as simple as that. We are able to operate like a national chain, so we are able to compete with them.

Rest Easy
If our drug cost is not the lowest, tell us about it. We can use our leverage to drive your drug cost even lower—either on invoice or through our warehouse program—and you can feel confident knowing that you have the best pricing in the industry.

Manage Your Cash Flow
Rebates are just adjustments from the supplier. We don’t think you should have to wait for them. It’s your money, so we get all your rebates back to you by the end of the next month.

Enjoy Flexible Rebate Options
With up-front pricing, you get to decide how you want to balance your invoice cost with your rebate. However you individually structure your program, you’ll get the lowest net cost in the business.

Benchmark Your Progress
We know what’s moved the bar in our own retail, LTC, and specialty pharmacies. We’ll help walk you through your store’s key performance indicators and identify actionable steps you can take to make measurable progress toward a better top and bottom line.

Make the Complex Simple
Improve your workflow and profitability by utilizing a number of programs through Smart-HR, Sterling340B, and our Smart-Fill warehouse—all of which are used in our own independent pharmacies.